Geoportal ČÚZK
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Imperial Imprints of the Stable Cadastre - Bohemia

Imperial Imprints of the Stable Cadastre - Moravia and Silesia

Toposections 1:25 000 from the Third Military Mapping

Collection of maps and plans until 1850  

State Map 1:5000

State Map 1:5000-derived - S-1952

Raster data of new form SM 5

Special Maps from the Third Military Mapping

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 5000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 10 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 25 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 50 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 100 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 200 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 500 000

Maps of the Registry of Real Estates 1 : 2 880 - Bohemia

Maps of the Registry of Real Estates 1 : 2 880 - Moravia and Silesia

Maps of Cultivation of the Stable Cadastre 1837-1844

Original maps of the Stable Cadastre 1:2 880 – Bohemia

Cadastral correction sheets 1:2880 – Bohemia

Cadastral correction sheets 1:2880 – Moravia and Silesia

Basic map ČR 1:10 000

Basic map ČR 1:25 000

Basic map ČR 1:50 000

Basic map ČR 1:100 000

Basic map ČR 1:200 000

Maps of the former land cadastre


Archival documents of the Central archive of surveying and cadastre (ÚAZK) – introduction

Central archive of Surveying and Cadastre, incorporated into the organisation of the Land Survey Office, is a public specialized archive. Its task is to collect past results of sizeable geodetic and cartographic works completed over our territory and make them available to both expert and non-technical public audience.

Exceptional archival assets of the CASC originated gradually since the third decade of the 19th century. Unique map series of the first half of the 19th century – the stable cadastre are one of the most valued archival documents. Cadastral documentation of follow-up cadastral works are present as well. The archive also makes available for study map series created on the basis of Austrian military mapping from the end of 19th century, post-war topographic maps in the S-1952 projection system, individual titles of current state map series and other map products. These resources are further augmented by samples of several map collections by historical European cartographers, cartographic workshops and publishers of the 19th and 20th century.

Extensive and most used archival materials by researchers are scanned in a systematic fashion. Since 2006, a separate application Archival document viewing enables their research by means of remote access and both raster files and paper prints can be obtained through the Geoportal COSC internet shop. Depending on the progress of archive scanning, currently offered data sets will be augmented by other extensive map data sets in the future. This will enable simple studies of land cover and land use change and the state of cartographic production in the distant and near past.

The data of archive files are provided free of charge to public authorities for the performance of their powers.

Last update: 06.06.2024
Last revision:
Author: 63