Units eXtended (UX)
Product information | ||
![]() | Name | Units eXtended (UX) |
Commercial code | CZ-00025712-CUZK_UX | |
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Unit price | No fees | |
Export formats | GML | |
Coordinate systems | Evropský terestrický referenční systém 1989, S-JTSK / Krovak East North | |
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Product description | The data from the theme Units eXtended extend data from the harmonised INSPIRE theme Administrative Units (AU) by identification units, statistical units and historical units. Data are based primarily on the project RÚIAN (register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates), which is part of the Basic Registers of Czech Republic and contains information about identification, addresses and real estates and also from Cadastre of real estates of the Czech Republic. Data published in the non-harmonized dataset Units eXtended are divided into four hierarchical groups, whose common feature is municipality and which are allways reconstructible from the lowest level of hierarchy.First group contains features State, Cohesion region, Higher territorial self-governing unit (VÚSC), Municipalty with extended competence(ORP), Municipality with authorized local office (POU), Municipality, Cadastral zoning and Basic settlement unit (ZSJ). Second group contains historical units and contains features State, Region 1960, District and Municipality. Third and fourth groups contain internal structures of municipalties for certain statutory cities (Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzen, Liberec, Ústí nad Labem, Pardubice and Opava) and the capital city of Prague. The third group contains features Municipality, Town district MO/MČ (MOMC) and in the case of Prague also District of Prague (MOP). The fourth group concerns only Prague and contains features Municipality, administrative district in Prague (SOP) and Town district MO/MČ (MOMC). Besides stands elements Part of municipality - every municipality shall contain link to part of municipality, and Thoroughfare - every municipality with street network shall contain a link to thoroughfare. Series of datasets is available for the whole area of the Czech Republic. The boundaries of the units are kept at the lowest level of hierarchy in so many levels, in how many is necessary for a complete composition of boundaries of all units. These are the boundaries of municipalities, town districts, basic settlement units and cadastral zonings. The boundaries are kept at several levels of generalization. More in Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers and in Decree No. 359/2011 Coll., on the basic register of territorial identification, and real estate, as amended. | |
Update cycle - update state | Data are published through WMS services. Data purchased this way are updated every two hours. | |
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Contact - product information | Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, e-mail: cuzk.helpdesk@cuzk.cz |

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